Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Garmin 405 watch

This is one thing that I could not live without. I use it on EVERY run! It gives me something to do on my runs (tells you your average pace, exact distance, it has a virtual partner in which I use when I race, etc). It has just about every feature you could think of! Best of all, it's super easy to use! No battery is needed, it comes with a charger!! It's linked to satellite, so I never have a problem with it, it's always right! The one time I had a problem with my watch, Garmin sent me out a brand new one, no questions asked!! A GREAT company, no hassles whatsoever!


  1. Love my 1950's style Garmin too - haha. But I've used it so much, the charger is giving me a problem - I think the little connectors on the back of the watch are wearing off....time to get me a new one :-)

  2. To buy you time until Christmas- using an eraser does the trick EVERY time!!! lol
