Sunday, October 25, 2009

Marathons I have run!

I remember each marathon as if it were yesterday. Everything from flights I took, hotels I stayed in, restaurants I ate at, expos, water stations, crowd support, etc, if you are looking for advice on any of the marathons below:

BOSTON ( 98, 99, 00, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, 09, 10, 11 )
NC Charlotte Observer
Cape Cod
Baltimore, MD

Disney (2)
Miami (2)
CA Rock and Roll
San Fran
New York

Grandfather Mountain Marathon, NC
Newport RI
Vegas Rock and Roll Marathon, Phoenix

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sof Sole Insole

This is a GREAT product that I pretty much swear by. Sof Sole offers something for everyone, I happen to have a flat wide foot. The customer service is phenomenal as well, (always a plus)!

I can tell a difference when I run, as I can feel the cushioning and the gel in the heel makes a huge difference.

I recently ordered their sox as well, and I ran all my long runs in them, and also the Chicago Marathon, and I LOVED them! They kept my feet blister free, and dry as well!